Campaigners in Tullycarnet


Aged 3 to 18

Campaigners is a uniformed, evangelical and inter-denominational youth organisation, which seeks by means of a varied programme of activities to introduce children and young people to Jesus Christ as their Saviour, and to develop their relationship and personal faith in Him. 

The Campaigners Motto is "UNTO HIM" which engrains the attitude that everything in life should be done "as unto the  Lord". Campaigners are taught to apply this motto in all parts of their lives. 

Campaigners in Tullycarnet is one of approximately 20 Campaigners "Centres" or churches across Northern Ireland. There are around 60 children and young people attending Campaigners in  Tullycarnet every week. From the little Eagles in red jumpers, through Juno's to Inter's in royal blue. 

Campaigners activities can vary across the age groups or "Clans".
Eagles being the youngest from aged 3 to P2, Junos is next from P3 to P6, Inters and Craftsmen from P7 to aged 18. 

Most evenings we have an Inspection and Roll Call, Drill or Marching, building skills through badgework, Games, Snack and Tuck Shop. 

Every evening, each Clan has Clan-C which is the time when we share in Bible Teaching from one of the leaders. 

Campaigners in Tullycarnet meets at Grace Baptist Church on Monday evenings from September to May each year. 

Eagles are from 6:15pm to 7:15pm aged 3 to P2

Junos are from 7:15pm to 8:45pm P3 to P6

Inters and Craftsmen are from 7:15pm to 8:45pm from P7 to aged 18. 

The minibus is available for pick up and drop home for Junos, Inters and Craftsmen (NOT EAGLES). 

If you would like more information, please get in touch here, or with the details below.